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All data and information provided on this site are provided 'as is'. These materials are to be used solely for reference purposes and are not intended for trading purposes. Additionally, we do not provide professional advice in areas such as finance, investment, taxation, legal, accounting, or other fields. When engaging in actual transactions, please be sure to consult with representatives from your securities company or financial institution to confirm accurate price information. Please note that we are not investment advisors, financial consultants, or securities brokers. The data and information provided do not constitute a recommendation or suitability for any specific investment.

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The data and information provided on this site do not include individual investment advice. Furthermore, the information provided is not intended for the purpose of offering specific investment decision advice or professional guidance. We do not recommend specific financial products or investment strategies, nor do we provide specific instructions regarding the timing of buy or sell actions. Therefore, please make your final investment decisions at your own responsibility.

About the Provided Data

The data provided on this site is supplied by various exchanges and other content providers. Therefore, depending on the policies of the exchanges and data providers, data may be displayed with a delay compared to actual trading times.

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Accuracy of Exchange Rates

We do not guarantee the accuracy of the displayed exchange rates. When conducting transactions that may be affected by fluctuations in exchange rates, please verify the rates at that time yourself.