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Key Features
Portfolio Analysis
Asset Allocation
Classify assets by stock, sector, country, and asset type, and check the status of diversified investments
Dividend Management
Check historical dividend performance, dividend schedules, and yields based on current prices and acquisition amounts with time series data
Risk Management
Visualize current portfolio risk and check the optimal holding ratio based on modern portfolio theory
Return Analysis
Visualize monthly heatmaps, maximum loss predictions, and performance through multiple factor analysis
Company Analysis
Financial Statements Analysis
Analyze the financial health of a company, including the three main financial statements
Segment and Regional Sales Analysis
Analyze company sales by segment and region (for US-listed companies only)
Key Metrics Analysis
Check key metrics such as ROE, PBR, and PER
Generative AI
Use generative AI to provide real-time chat based on financial statements and company data
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At Lambda, we offer pricing based on purchasing power parity to make our services more accessible to a wider audience.
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1 portfolio with up to 5 Holdings
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